Your Fairy Guidemother is on Zoom!


Stop feeling like an imposter!

If I got a dollar for every time I’ve heard one of these from my Rockstars, I’d be able to retire comfortably:

  • “How could I possibly talk about this topic if thousands of other speakers are saying the same thing I want to say?”
  • “Who am I to say I’m an expert?”
  • “I haven’t studied this topic for years with lots of scientific proof. So, who says I’m qualified to talk about it?”
  • “What if this topic has been talked to death already and no one wants to hear me talk about it?”
  • “Does anyone really give a shit about this topic?”

Imposter syndrome catches up with us at the most inopportune times. It typically hits us right before something big is about to happen. It can knock us far off our path – sending us far away from where we’re supposed to be.

In the latest SPEAK With Confidence 90-Day Challenge, one Rockstar posted about how she was struggling with self-doubt, fear, imposter syndrome:
“You would think I’d be so excited that I’ve figured this out…but….as much as I want to dive in to this topic, research the heck out of it to build on what I already know, I stop. I think to myself – who am I to do this? I’m not a data scientist, a researcher, an expert. I’m not a Brené Brown who has done thousands of hours of research and can share what the data is telling her. I’m not an Amy Edmondson who has done research in workplaces and teams, has done a TedTalk and written a book. The comparison trap, the imposter syndrome, the fear of someone saying…who does she think she is? and many fears I’m probably forgetting…all rolled in to one…”

CUE MELANIE PEP TALK. (This is a pep talk I’ve been giving myself for months as I transition my entire business model from full-time speaking to full-time speaker training.)

My response:
“YOU are the ONLY you there ever was. You’re the only one with this set of information & the only eyes who have ever seen this the way you have. No one can process info the same as you. You are f***ing phenomenal. And I am so proud of you for showing up for you. Because as you as you are, IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU! Do not let that crap get in the way of changing how others see what you need them to see.”

You see, when I started dreaming up doing the 90-Day Challenge, I had to get out of my own way and realize that it wasn’t about me. We dropped the price to 1/10th of the cost and basically started handing it out. We got a HUGE turn out for our launch of the challenge and everyone was enjoying learning from the course and each other.

But something was still missing.

I wanted to do something no one else had ever done before. I wanted to bring public speakers from outside the typical public speaking industry and have THEM teach their craft. So, I found comedians, actors, and storytellers to share how THEY do what they do best.

Yesterday, Storyteller Eritria Pitts gave us an INCREDIBLE free session on Building Your Memorable Story. She had everyone at full attention as she told us stories and then broke down how she did it. I’m still getting messages from yesterday like this one from Thomas: “I felt so many emotions from Eritria Pitts’ story. We all have a story to tell.”

That’s why I’m hosting the first Set The Stage Summit this Friday. Because we don’t need one more public speaking training by a bunch of public speakers. We need the humans with the toughest “public speaking” jobs to teach us how to be our best selves on stage.

The COMEDIANS who have to be funny enough to keep their audience laughing.
The ACTORS who have to know themselves well enough to be someone else.
The STORYTELLERS who have to craft each and every emotion along the way.

I don’t do anything “like other people.” And I certainly am not interested in hosting yet another boring Zoom training. I want to bring you the funniest, most interesting public speaking summit anyone’s ever dreamed of – because I hate Zoom meetings as much as the next guy. And yes, I will expect you to be on video engaging with the speakers – not sitting there being a spectator from your bed.

As Kim said after she signed up:
“It’s less than the cost of a dinner and movie out. Which, let’s be honest…. no one is doing anyways. Happy DateNight (day) to me. I’ll watch the zoom summit, my husband will play Red Dead Redemption and we’ll both be perfectly satisfied.”

If you want to be a better communicator, start thinking differently about what you want to share with the world, or get clearer on the keynote you are meant to give, come join us for the live Set The Stage Summit Friday, August 21 at 12pm ET. You can even save $50 with code: SAVE50

If you can’t make it live, grab a ticket anyway and watch the replays later.

You don’t have to be an expert to speak. You don’t have to be a public speaker to communicate better. And you certainly don’t have to be a keynote speaker to make a difference. All you have to do is own who you are, say what needs to be said, and don’t let the imposter syndrome get in the way.

Erin, Mark, Nate, Davine, Eritria, Jason, and I hope to see your face live on Friday.

PSST. Our next 90-Day Challenge starts September 2.