Private Work

1-on-1 mentorship from melanie spring

“since the day i met you, i have found the confidence that was stripped from me when i was young.”

Rikki Leigh

“Melanie is real, and vulnerable and approachable. She is like a sister, an aunt and a coach all wrapped in one.”

Jaci Boggs

“A million times over, thank you.”

Hailey Klein

Let's pour Rocketfuel on your life & work

Over my two-decade career, I’ve dedicated all of my energy on supporting entrepreneurs and executives through branding, marketing, and transitions. Whether it was a big company rebrand or a employee-turned-entrepreneur positioning themselves in the market, I’ve loved helping people show up for themselves and their purpose. 

Even while running a branding agency, I began walking alongside others behind the scenes as they transitioned from one part of their career to the next. From 30-year CEOs and non-profit executives to born-to-be entrepreneurs, each and every one of them was ready to dive head-first into why they are really here.

That’s why I created Rocketfuel. A 5- to 8-month program that lights the fire you need to take your big idea to the moon. 

"Get ready for an amazing experience." "One of the most fulfilling experiences of my life." "The entire experience is life changing"

It's time to face the mirror

“You saw me before I saw myself. You walked ahead on the fairy-lit path lighting the way for me. Thank you for being patient enough to show me who I really am.”
– Previous Client

No matter who you are or how you got where you are, you will eventually have to face the mirror and look at why you are the way you are. From your core beliefs about the world to your anxieties and fears about the future, together we’ll shine a light on the shadows so you can see the truth about who you are and what you are really here to do.

From brand strategy and business building to public speaking and crafting your message, Rocketfuel will give you the tools you step into what you’re really here to do while also creating a life you’re excited to wake up to. 

By the time you’re done, you’ll have the confidence and skills you need to step into your best life and work. 

How Rocketfuel Works


Only 5 to 8 Months

Depending on your goals, we’ll set a specifically short amount of time and create intentional steps to accomplish everything you desire.


Zoom Calls & App

Most of our communication will happen via scheduled Zoom calls, WhatsApp for the in-between times, and a private app allowing us to track our time together.


Private Immersive

At least once during our time together, we’ll meet in person for a Private Immersive Experience custom designed just for you so we can go deep together.

Interested in working one-on-one with me?

Since this time together allows me to engage with your energy and walk alongside you, I want to be sure this is the right fit for both of us. If what I’ve shared has you interested in exploring if and how we could work together, fill out the form below and we’ll start with an informal Zoom call to get to know each other. From there, we’ll see what happens.