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We’ve Got A Shit-uation On Aisle 4

“Just when it can’t get worse
I’ve had a shit day
You’ve had a shit day
We’ve had a shit day.”
– P!NK

Yesterday was a shit day. 90 minutes on the phone with Verizon being transferred to five departments just to get a trade-in mailing label after looking at my business bank account led me walk out of the house on a RAGE walk.

I had hit the end of my fuse.

Two weeks ago, we had to postpone our speaking retreat for a second time – while I was on vacation – because COVID spiked in Denver. It would be happening this week and now we’re hosting a virtual retreat as an in-between event for them. NOT the plan, but had to happen to keep everyone safe.

My biggest source of revenue hit the brakes this year and I’ve been swimming in the questions like, “but can you do this for 5% of what you normally do because it’s virtual?” Our business model had to get completely overhauled this year and taking it all online has taxed my Xennial brain to no end. And I realized that I had been working my ass off all year to pay everyone EXCEPT me.

My mind spiraled out of control. I texted my Business Guide, Rachel, and asked if I could set it all on fire. I yelled to the cornfields. I scared my dog. My whole body felt all the feelings. I stomped up the hills. I clenched my fists and jaw. I let angry noises out of my mouth and throat. It was NOT pretty.

My husband walked by my side the whole way. Literally. He watched me scream and say all the words. He watched me punch the air. He tried everything to help me calm down without saying “calm down.” (So grateful he knows not to do that.) And when we sat on the dock at the end, he just let me be mad. With his arm around me.

Together, we watched the smooth lake. Watched a fisherman in his canoe. Watched everything in its quiet, serene state. As I calmed down.

7 months of this shit gets to you.

I think back to my business planning meeting a year ago. I think back to all of our plans for 2020. I think back to our optimism and excitement for the coming year and how we were FINALLY set up to be SUPER successful.

And then I remember flying home in March from my last in-person speaking gig and watching the whole world start on fire.

After I got home from my rage-walk, I messaged Maggie, my Rockstar Wrangler. I told her that I couldn’t do our usual Monday meeting because I had no idea what we were going to do next. Her suggestion: let’s brainstorm it.

So, we did.

I shared all of the shit. She shared her own stories of feeling the shit, too. I wasn’t alone in it.

Then we decided to take back control of the shit-uation and manifest what we wanted.

We decided what we wanted to do next.
We put together a plan.
We wrote that shit down.
Now we’re working on it every single day.

Today, when I sat down to write a post, I found this picture. The one of Maggie marrying me and my Dan. Yeah, if you didn’t know, Maggie is more than a coworker. She’s a friend and will forever be the human who signed our marriage certificate. She was the one who handed us our rings and told everyone about our love. She’s family. 

I am not alone in my shit. And as much as I feel the suckiness of it, I’m SUPER blessed in all of it.

I have my husband to rage-walk with me.
I have coworkers and friends to brainstorm ideas with me.
I have my business guide to plan with me.

Thanks to this COVID shit-uation, I also launched the program that allowed me to meet SO many incredible humans I would never have had the chance to meet otherwise. I can’t imagine life without them.

While I was writing in my Five-Minute Journal this morning, I reviewed yesterday. It asks “3 Amazing things that happened today…” and mine were Amazing – even if they weren’t all positive.
1. 90 minutes of Verizon sparked a rage walk.
2. 72 degrees outside – worked on the deck.
3. Maggie & Dan helped reset me.

I needed yesterday. I needed to rage-walk. I needed to let some of this steam off. I needed to hit the end of my fuse. It is time to say “NO MORE.” It’s time to take back the control.

The most hilarious part: Maggie and I brainstormed the launch of my Manifest Your Life workshop to help humans create a plan for 2021 that won’t be affected by any new shit-storms. (Oh, the irony.)

If you’ve ever heard me give my Rock Your Life talk, you’ll know about how I manifested my husband and our life together while I was in Bali. I had a 10 year plan and got it within 4 months. We live in a lakehouse and are about to see the snowflakes I outlined in my plan. My husband reminded me on the dock yesterday that we have a pretty incredible life and that I manifested all of it. (You’ll hear more about that in the workshop.)

“We teach what we need to learn the most.”

I remind my Rockstars of this ALL the time. And when shit like this happens, I realize that I need to hear this just as much as they do.

At the end of the Five Minute Journal, you’re asked to share a Daily affirmation. You say “I am…” and fill in the blank.

Mine is: “I am a f***ing manifestor. This shit ALWAYS works out for me.”

Sometimes I say it with conviction, other times I’m saying it to remind myself.

The greatest part about manifesting is that it’s not woo-woo at all. There are 4 specific and tangible steps to manifesting.
1. Decide what you want.
2. Write that shit down. 
3. Create a plan. 
4. Work on it every single day.

That’s what Maggie and I did yesterday. We decided what we wanted to do. We wrote it down. We created a plan. And now we’re working on it. And we won’t stop until we #manifestthatshit.

So, if you’ve rage-walked recently, cried on a friend’s shoulder, lost it on your kids (even the furry ones), or are feeling alone, you’re in good company. I’m putting the finishing touches on the Manifest Your Life workshop this week. We’re only doing it live so we can create a community of humans who want to manifest some amazing shit together. WE ALL NEED EACH OTHER!

Drop your email address here so you can get notified when it launches.

My favorite marketing copy for this workshop came out of me on Sunday morning over coffee – right before I lost it.
Sick of setting resolutions you never keep? Let’s #ManifestThatShit! Grab a spot in my Manifest Your Life workshop and let’s make sure 2021 rocks – with or without a global pandemic.

Because sometimes you create a workshop you need yourself – and realize that you’re not alone in needing it.

To rocking what’s next – regardless of the shit-uation.