The next Brilliant Rebel Academy launches this Winter!


an online experience & Tropical Immersive

You were made for more.

Let's crush your goals, not your soul

The Brilliant Rebel Academy takes your Big Idea out of your dreams and into reality. With the support of seasoned entrepreneurs, a carefully-curated community, and rebelliously out-of-the-box resources, we’ll walk alongside you to help you become the person who accomplishes all your desires.

Why this program exists

Why let someone else live your dream?

Big Ideas are rare.

They visit us at the most inopportune moments—like when you’re falling asleep, while you’re driving, or when you’re standing in the shower.

Sometimes, they’re BIG and they hit you over the head…

…but most of the time, they’re so quiet, and so subtle, that if you’re not careful, you may forget what flashed through your mind before you step onto your bathmat.

Ideas are like that. They jump into our heads, asking:

“Are you ready?”

And if we are ready, we catch the idea and start taking action. 

But if we aren’t ready, or we wait too long, the idea may go off and visit another person. 

Have you ever known someone who had an incredible idea but didn’t act on it?

Then, a few years later, they saw someone launch that SAME idea and found huge success?

And they yell:

“But I thought of that two years ago!”

Sure they did, but they didn’t act on it.

This is what Elizabeth Gilbert calls “Big Magic.” In her book by the same name, she shares that there are ideas floating around all the time looking for a host.

This beautiful idea drops into your intuition and you’re given a choice: to bring it to life or file it away for later. When you file it away for later, that idea floats off to other people until someone finally does something with it.

You probably have a list somewhere, maybe on paper or in your head, of ideas. Ideas for a business, a product, a service, a book, a course, or even a side-hustle.

You see others launching their stuff and feel a pang of jealousy or a deep desire to do the same thing.

WHAT IF… Instead of just hoping and wishing for SOMEDAY, you decided to follow that desire and do it TODAY?

Melanie Spring

Leader of the Brilliant Rebellion

Melanie Spring

Leader of the Brilliant Rebellion

an online experience & Tropical Immersive

Who is a Brilliant Rebel?

A Brilliant Rebel is a human who decided that society wasn’t right about them. 

That everything the world told them they should be is not for them. 

That all of the intelligence they packed into their brain is nothing without the magic of who they are innately.

Brilliant Rebels do things their own way. 

They run businesses from their imagination and intuition. They step into unknown territory knowing that they were made for more. 

They approach the Door of Possibility and leave all their baggage behind so they can find the truth of who they are and what they’re here to do.

The Brilliant Rebellion is a movement supporting humans in UNBECOMING everything they were told they should be. Allowing them to step into who they were born to be. Giving them the tools and support in remembering and finding their gifts.

The Brilliant Rebel Academy is a three-month virtual experience with in-person options that gives you unconventional workshops, activities built to drive creativity, and personal connections with other exceptional humans like you. 

It was born out of a desire to support more humans in unbecoming what isn’t them and finding a community of people who stand out, grow powerfully, and shine a light on the path they walked so others can come with them.

Rebellion is not for everyone, but if it is for you, we see you. 

We know you. We are you.

Community Feedback

We've helped Rebels from all walks of life.
Here's what a few of them have to say:

I had put myself on autopilot and was losing myself

Linda LoRe

Fortune 500 CEO & Entrepreneur

For 25 years, I worked in sales and real life's been upgraded in every way

Bo Trisko


I had some apprehension going in... every turn along the way, I was pleasantly surprised!

Chuck Neddermeyer


I'm going for big things in my life, and I needed help

Michelle Lim Warner

Cofounder of DCANTER Wine

I walked away knowing myself more than I ever did before

Christopher Michael

Foudner of CM Coaching

I truly connected with myself

Kristina Duewell

Founder of The Light Space

The Brilliant Rebellion is not only a wonderful investment in self and business, but it is an amazing investment in being a human being

Collette Bowers-Zinn

Founder of Zinn Education Management

I couldn't recommend this enough for anyone trying to get to the next level

Lexi Tucker

Retired Arborist & Entrepreneur

It doesn't have to be hard!

Chris Coladonato

Founder of COnnection Catalyst

I ended up doing things I wasn't familiar with and being pushed to see myself in a different light

Stæven Frey

Founder of Quantum Branding

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

Jen Chen

Health First Family Chiropractic

The people who do the greatest work in the world do not understand how to get out of their own way

Liz Murphy

CEO of Buona Volpe

Let’s climb your Second Mountain– together!

You’re at the point in your life where you know it’s time to climb your Second Mountain. You take all of the tools, skills, and experience you picked up on the often adventurous (and sometimes dangerous) climb up the first one and apply it to your second with a sense of ease and peace.

Scenario #1

You’re ready to burn everything down

You built your career (or even your business) with the skills and knowledge you had, yet something has changed and you’re over it. Brilliant Rebels are known for dreaming of burning down the thing that made them successful. They also know that there’s something inside them that needs to stay lit in order to keep going.

Scenario #2

You want to quit your job or retire without retiring​

Brilliant Rebels are always searching for what inspires them, and they never retire. They pursue their ikigai, a Japanese concept that roughly translates to your “reason for living.” They know that walking away from the constant ladder-climbing is the only way to go, but retiring isn’t their jam. They’re ready for something new that will create a bigger impact on the world and it’s now or never.

Scenario #3

You’re bursting at the seams and it’s time

You finally said “it’s time” yet you’re not sure HOW you’re going to make your Big Idea a reality. You’ve been doing things on your own for a long time and you’re tired of trying to be creative in a vacuum. It’s time for a community, a shared vision, and a big push to make your dreams come true.

“I’m blown away. It’s tactical, practical, yet pushes you–not your everyday “course”. The pacing is clear, how things built upon each other. It was really clear how things are going to progress and go. It’s just enough, just in time.”


Your Academy Curriculum

From What To Why To How

You’ll receive 11 live calls from kickoff to graduation, an optional tropical immersive experience, a crew of seasoned experts and entrepreneurs, plus a ton of resources that will guide you along your path to success.

When you Register

Create Space For Your Big Idea

Once you sign up, we’ll get you into your orientation immediately. You’ll get customized preparation tools to get you started so you can create space in your life and work.

The first module is built to go at your own pace and begin to get this big idea out of your dreams and into reality.

Tools include:

When the Academy begins

90-Minute Kickoff Call

Month One

Clarify & Get Real With Your Big Idea

Once you’ve received feedback and ideas from the community on your Big Idea, you’ll be ready to clarify what it is you’re going to do with it. That’s when we help you get clarity so we can begin building your Big Idea into an offering (a business, a service, a product, or a program).



Q&A + Hot Seats


tropical Immersive EXPERIENCE

In-Person Brainstorming & Hands-On Experiential Education

Month Two

Vero Beach, Florida

For those who opt in for the in-person experience, we’ll be diving deeper into all aspects of your business by getting you out of your comfort zone and deep into your intuition.

Using tested brainstorming techniques, learning from experts and mentors, and diving head-first into the magical nature of who you really are, we’ll amplify the virtual experience for you and fast-track your Big Idea into reality.

Included in this two-day experience:
Tropical Immersive Schedule:

How To Get Here:

Snag a flight to Orlando, West Palm Beach, or Melbourne FL, then grab an Airbnb or hotel room nearby (check FAQs for a list that fits your budget) & come to our beautiful outdoor under-the-palm-trees on-the-river venue for growth, community, and business strategy.

Virtual-Only Rebels

If you decide not to opt in (maybe you can’t make those dates work or you aren’t ready to commit to the deep-dive), you will still be able to get the most out of the rest of your experience with us as we’ll share some tools, techniques, and resources for you to follow along at home. The only thing we can’t do is sit next to you and provide live feedback since we’ll be offline and present with the Immersive Rebels.

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Month Two (Continued)

Attract Your Clients & Make Money

After the Tropical Immersive, we’ll get right into attraction, sales, and pitching. Nothing will be off-limits, so bring all of your previous experience, feelings, and frustrations so we can give you a solid plan to bring you the clients you really want while making sure they’re also a full yes to working with you.



Q&A + Hot Seats


Month Three

Step Into Your Big Idea & Grow

After the Tropical Immersive, we’ll get right into attraction, sales, and pitching. Nothing will be off-limits, so bring all of your previous experience, feelings, and frustrations so we can give you a solid plan to bring you the clients you really want while making sure they’re also a full yes to working with you.



Optional Upgrade

Join The Rebel Mastermind

Feel like you’re on another level and want to jump on the fast track? 

Our Mastermind meets twice a month (6 extra calls) as a small-group led by an assigned Rebel Guide along with support from Melanie Spring & Dan Russell.

You’ll come to all of the Virtual Live Calls + the In-Person Tropical Immersive, but with the added support, accountability, and brainstorming of your Mastermind group. 

Each Mastermind attendee receives:

Admission into the Mastermind requires an application. After you register for the Brilliant Rebel Academy, you’ll be prompted to complete your application. Space is limited to 8 people per Mastermind group.

Your Guides

Who's teaching at the Academy?

Every person you’ll be hearing from in the Academy has been trained, vetted, and most likely hugged multiple times, by me. The only way to become a Rebel Guide is to be a Brilliant Rebel yourself!

Melanie Spring

Host & Guide

Melanie will be your guide throughout this experience. She’ll ask you the tough questions, take you by the hand as you find your answers, and lead you through powerful exercises that will stimulate new insights and growth.

Dan Russell

Host & GUIDE

Dan will serve as your implementation master. You know all those questions you have around the “HOW” of your vision? He’s the guy who can help you put all the puzzle pieces together.

Noel Teubner

Human Design

Noel will lead you through thoughtful sessions aimed at helping you understand yourself better through Human Design, a tool that helps you (and us) bring out the very best in you.

Secure your spot at the early bird price

The waitlist is now open for our Winter 2024 Brilliant Rebel Academy

Join The Waitlist

Waitlist members get the best deal!

When you join the waitlist:

Registration to the waitlist is free and requires no credit card or commitment


Step into your own Rebellion YOUR way

Early-bird pricing ends September 8 at 5pm ET

Payment plans available as low as $173/month

Virtual Only

As low as


$2,400 $1,997 total


Everything done online & easily accessible

+ In-Person Immersive

As low as


$4,600 $3,997 total


We’ll send you all the details to book your flight & place to stay once you sign up

+ Mastermind

as low as


$6,800 $5,997 total


Register for the Virtual + In-Person & we’ll send you the application to join the Mastermind

Where did The Brilliant Rebel Academy come from?

The Brilliant Rebel Academy came from the minds of husband & wife team, Dan Russell & Melanie Spring.

Both are big-idea people with a love for huge dreams. They both knew from an early age that they were rebels in their own right: here to change the world in some way.

Entrepreneurial from the start, they both ran separate creative agencies in marketing and branding.

Along the way, they both began to realize that they were focusing on their strengths instead of their purpose.

Dan was a successful marketing expert and entrepreneur who launched products and ran ad campaigns, making his clients millions of dollars.

Over the course of a decade, he became the go-to expert for companies who were trying to learn how to adapt to the digital age. As he bid farewell to his agency in pursuit of his purpose, he wrote a book exposing the underbelly of the marketing industry.

Melanie was a successful brand strategist & entrepreneur building brands, marketing content, and websites for personal brands, entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies while also becoming a seasoned international keynote speaker, appearing on stages multiple times a year, from San Diego to Norway.

While both knew how to run a business, focus on their strengths, and support clients in their own businesses, Dan & Melanie found that their intellect could only get them so far.

After months of soul-searching and deep healing work, they decided to combine forces and build their shared dream together. 

Melanie launched the Brilliant Rebels Experience in 2022 hosting high-touch, luxury retreats with eight weeks of deep one-on-one work.

She helped her clients get in touch with their true desires and shed the weight of old beliefs and old patterns that were holding them back.

Yet, the price-tag and time commitment felt out of reach for many who were just starting their next step. 

After reviewing thousands of sales calls along with big ideas and feedback from the Rebel grads, Dan & Melanie decided to join forces.

Along with the experienced entrepreneurs in their Rebel Crew, Melanie and Dan built a version of the Brilliant Rebels Experience that was available at a more cost-effective price with less 1:1 guidance. That’s where The Brilliant Rebel Academy came from. 

Using their marketing, branding, and business-building experience coupled with their deeply-seated ability to help you see yourself more clearly, Melanie, Dan, and the Rebel Crew will help you take your big idea from concept to launch in just three months.

the One Moksha Network

Full Access In One Space

The Brilliant Rebel Academy virtual resources, recordings, and interactions live inside the One Moksha Network, our private online community platform. Keeping everything at your fingertips, you won’t have any excuse not to stay connected (unless you finally put your phone down and get grounded…)

As soon as this cohort opens, we’ll drop you into the Network and give you access to the tools that will support you throughout your Rebel journey. And that also keeps you one click closer to finally bringing your Big Idea to life.

“Never give up.
Unless it’s not for you, then definitely give up.”

FrequentLY ASKED Questions (FAQs)

Here are some questions we can answer right now

If you don’t see an answer here, you can always feel free to reach out to our Rebel Crew at [email protected]. We’ll get back in touch with you to help answer all of your questions.

Absolutely not. One thing Dan & Melanie have learned over the years is that everyone learns differently, so there’s really no step-by-step one-size-fits-all process to follow. Every idea needs something different and there’s no way to build a program that would work for everyone. 

This is three months of focused effort taking your Big Idea and making it a reality. 

With 11 live calls calls and a 2-day in-person event, we’ll be diving deep into what you have in your head and using creativity, intuition, and magic to help you build plans, structure, and systems around it.

There’s no coursework or required “homework.” We give you the resources, tools, and space to set your own commitments and takeaways while also being held accountable to what you promised to do each week.

Those who are ready to burn everything down
You built your career (or even your business) with the skills and knowledge you had, yet something has changed and you’re over it. Brilliant Rebels are known for dreaming of burning down the thing that made them successful. They also know that there’s something inside them that needs to stay lit in order to keep going. 

Those who want to quit your job or retire without retiring
Brilliant Rebels are always searching for what inspires them, and they never retire. They pursue their ikigai, a Japanese concept that roughly translates to your “reason for living.” They know that walking away from the constant ladder-climbing is the only way to go, but retiring isn’t their jam. They’re ready for something new that will create a bigger impact on the world and it’s now or never.

Those who are bursting at the seams and it’s time
You finally said “it’s time” yet you’re not sure HOW you’re going to make your Big Idea a reality. You’ve been doing things on your own for a long time and you’re tired of trying to be creative in a vacuum. It’s time for a community, a shared vision, and a big push to make your dreams come true.

We highly recommend attending the live calls in order to get the most out of the Academy. That’s where you’ll be able to meet other Rebels In Training and glean the most from our lessons.

If you aren’t able to make a session, though, that’s okay! We get it. Life gets busy sometimes. Replays will be provided for all of our calls inside the private online space for the Academy.

Vero Beach is a coastal paradise situated right in Central Florida. We’ll send you more specifics once you sign up, but here’s the general gist in case you want to price it out.

You can fly into Orlando (80min), Melbourne (40min), or West Palm Beach (90min). Just be sure to book your tickets for the day before and plan to head home either late on the final day or the day after – unless you’re staying for the Mastermind day, in which case you can grab a flight out on the final day or day after the Mastermind ends.

There are several hotel options and plenty of Airbnbs available within a 10-to 15-minute drive/rideshare to our event space. All of those details, including airport information and specific arrival and departure times, will be shared with you after joining the Academy.

Let’s jump on a call! One of our Rebel Crew can share more about what you’ll get out of this experience and is ready to answer any questions you may have. Send a note to [email protected] and we’ll get you on the calendar ASAP.

We have our next Brilliant Rebels Experience starting a few months after the Academy is completed. It’s 8 weeks including a 4-day high-touch, luxury retreat.

The Experience gives you even more hand-holding and deeper personal growth to help you become the person you want to be in order to build the business of your dreams.

But don’t worry about that for now, just take the first step in fully embracing the Brilliant Rebel you already know you are in the Academy.

Photography by Mary Gardella