You can’t run away from what is yours.

As I was on walk in the park yesterday, it dawned on me that I haven’t been fully honest with myself for a very long time. (Yep, confession incoming)

Many have watched my transformation over the years and commented on how much they’ve loved watching my shift. From being the long-haired owner of Sisarina, my DC-based branding agency, to being an Approachable Badass traveling the world as an international keynote speaker, to moving to the ocean and becoming the leader of The Brilliant Rebellion. 

But what you may not have seen is the fact that since closing my branding agency, I’ve been trying different things on as I figure out what it is I should to be doing.

Yes, you read that correctly. I said “should.”

Now, if you have known me for any length of time, you know that I’m the one who corrects people when they should on themselves, yet I’m also one for saying “We teach what we need to learn the most.”

That said, I haven’t wanted to see the truth. Which means I’ve basically been lying to myself for all these years thinking that I could just do something else with my life, with my time, and with my work. Yet now I know that isn’t possible. 

I love rocking a stage.  

In 2019, I was running a full-time business while also traveling over 150 days a year. We lived next to the airport train in Denver because the travel was overwhelming. Needless to say, I did 7 talks the 3 weeks before my wedding and flew home on the day my parents showed up to celebrate us. I hit full burnout with speaking. Thankfully, 2020 shut down speaking shortly after and I got really choosey with where I spoke after that.

So, when Tiger21 (high net-worth network who aren’t easily wow’d) asked me to create a 4-hour workshop for their members last fall, I began creating a talk that lit me up from the inside. I was on fire again.

I had forgotten why I loved speaking in the first place. 

My new keynote is called The Original AI: Aligned Intuition. And it’s about how most of us are scared of AI: Artificial Intelligence when we have this human operating system that is tapped into something more powerful IF we learn how to use it. 

FOR YOU: Know a place I could rock the stage? Tell me (just reply to this email.) I’m looking for leadership meetings, board retreats, magical conferences, and industry events that are ready for a speaker who isn’t like the rest. Check out my videos & talk descriptions here

I’m a collector of magical beings.

I LOVE building community. Since I started my career, I’ve been hosting events and connecting humans to one another. I hosted 100 un-networking events in my first 5 years of running my branding agency and then began hosting retreats around the world.

When Dan & I started our community, The Brilliant Rebellion, we knew we had to shift how we hosted events to make them more accessible and long-term. Inside, our Rebels have access to Soul Mixers (deep discussions about all sorts of personal growth topics) and others walking the path to enlightenment.

We have free spaces and events for anyone to join, like Soul Circles where you can bring your question, idea, or struggle and sit with others who will be present with you. 

We also launched an in-person retreat called LIMITLESS that brings this community together to collaborate on the content at a luxury glamping resort in Austin, TX. That means that every person who signs up can share their own mastery at the retreat. We’re hosting the next one Sun, April 27 – Wed, April 30. check it out

FOR YOU: If you are looking for someone specific, I probably know them or someone who knows them. All you have to do is ask (reply to this email). And if you want to be one of the people I share with others, join me in community so I can learn about you and your magic.

I love helping people launch their magic.

When I was closing my branding agency, I started bringing people to me to support them in shifting directions in their life and work. We’d walk around DC and talk through who they are, what they wanted from life, and where they wanted to go. Then I’d send them home with a list of things to work on and helped them with launching something new.

I had forgotten I even did this work until I was talking to a previous client because I had been so focused on running away from being the brand strategist I was.

So, when I went to a women’s retreat a few weeks ago, I began to realize that the thing I do best was sitting right in front of my nose. AND I already had clients I was helping do that thing. It had been a side thing while I was figuring out the rest, yet it’s what lights me on FIRE. 

I’m a Launch Fairy. 

You bring your mastery. We make magic. (see more here)

I sit with magical beings who are gifted and need the support of a temporary “business partner” to help them get a new business off the ground. 

The photo above is of a blue-haired real estate mogul who was ready to shift into being a healer (something she’d been doing for free for years.) We got photos of her hosting a breathwork class on the beach here in my little beach town last weekend and you could see it in her face that THIS was what she was meant to do.

I’ve recently worked with a 30-year tech CEO who was getting ready to shift into being a public figure instead of retiring. She wanted to learn how to create videos, speak on stages, and tell her story while also becoming more vulnerable and self-expressed. She just texted me a photo of her on a TV show today!

And one of my favorite projects right now is working with a sex & intimacy coach who was previously a digital agency owner. Our conversations are some of my most enlightening.

FOR YOU: If you or someone you know needs a support partner in launching their business or a shift in their career, share them with me. Here’s more details on how I sprinkle this magical fairydust.

I’m done running. And I’m using my own magic to make sure you find yours.

If anything in this email stirs something up in you, reply and let’s have a conversation about how I can help, who I can introduce you to, and how you can live your own best life doing work you want to be doing. 

I hope to see you in the community, at a virtual or in-person event, or in an audience soon!

Walking alongside you, 


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