WHAT IF there’s no tomorrow?

Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment. - Deepak Chopra

WHAT IF there is no tomorrow?
WHAT IF there is no yesterday?
WHAT IF all we have is right NOW?

Most of our lives are spent looking forward to what’s next while running away from what’s happened or wishing we could change the past. Yet the only moment we truly have is the Infinite Now.

Watch this clip from The Brilliant Rebellion’s first Soul Mixer where Dan shares about what it means to be truly in this moment:

Dan Russell

Check in with yourself right now.

Are you really reading this post (yes, this one) or are you thinking about what you need to do after you’re done?

Or maybe saying “I’ll come back to this later” and know you never will because later is always someday?

TRY ITTake a moment to scan your mind, your body, your surroundings.

Can you just be here right now for a few more seconds?

Not rushing to what’s next, but slowing down into this current moment.

What came up for you when you tried?

It’s ok, you can’t do this wrong. Just take a breath and see how it feels.

comment inside the Community space
comment inside the Community space

If this topic speaks to your heart, join us in exploring this topic and others as we walk the path to becoming their best selves through conscious collaboration in true community:

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