
The Intuitive Audit

A FREE Online workshop

Setting life and business goals isn’t always that fun. That’s because we don’t take the time to really think about what we want. Let’s try something different. Join Executive Advisor Melanie Spring for this free 2-day online workshop to craft a plan for the rest of 2024 that’s true to your purpose and personality.

An Online workshop

Crush your goals, not your soul

I didn’t design The Intuitive Audit just to teach you how to hit big goals. Coaches and consultants can help you do that. 

I designed this experience to help you become the kind of person who can hit those big goals you’ve set for yourself.  Here are some takeaways you can plan to walk away with:

And when I say “and so much more,” believe it. This is my masterclass in consciously planning your life from the top to the bottom. Are you ready to start living the life you were meant to be living all along?

See you on the first call!

When you were a kid, I bet you had a big imagination

You created worlds inside your mind and lived in them. 

You made up voices, played with toys, and set up games no one had ever thought of before.

By the time you got to school, you added a lot more structure to your life. Specific days and times for school, homework, play, and family. 

Your teachers and parents were more focused on your schoolwork and grades rather than your dreams, making sure you knew that intelligence was to be your most celebrated asset.

By the time you entered the workforce, you found yourself using your mounting intellect to strive and push to get somewhere no one could really explain to you. 

As you grew your career, your family, your bank account, and all of your responsibilities were getting more and more exhausting. 

Until one day, you found yourself at the top of whatever success ladder you thought you wanted to climb, only to realize it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

I fell into the trap of hustle and hard work, too.

I was told that if I worked 60, 70, and 80 hours a week, then I’d finally get to have the life I desired. So I started a branding agency and worked my butt off for over a decade. 

Grinding, grinding, day after day, week after week… you get it.

After the first few years, I realized I was a really great public speaker. I began giving talks from stage, and over the years I gained a great reputation.

I started training people on how to give talks by hosting speaker training retreats near my home in Washington, D.C. 

I expected to teach people how to give a TED Talk or an investor pitch, but what everyone ended up needing support with ended up being the biggest question of them all: 

What is my message to the world?

My speaker training retreats turned into existential explorations of life purpose. It was all way beyond what I had originally planned to teach, but something about it felt… right.

So I carried on building those experiences to help people tap into their higher purpose. I felt pulled to do this work—it was like gravity pulling an asteroid toward a star.

As I continued my work, I found a mentor who helped me see that I was holding myself back in all kinds of ways, from money scarcity to reacting unkindly to situations that made me feel like I was wrong: an old belief that had been building since my childhood.

As I began to unwind those old beliefs, amazing things started to happen…

Your real life starts when you start being real with yourself

As I began to learn who I was, I started to see how rewarding this so-called “work” was: helping people discover who they are and do the thing they were put here to do.

The idea started forming in my head that my “work” time could actually be my play time. And I could get paid for it!

That’s the dream, right?

To find what you’re good at and get paid for it?

Turns out that I’m built to help people just like you get so in touch with themselves that they suddenly have the ability to step back and look at their life and ask:

What do I really want?

When you stop and feel into what you really want, you're tapping into your intuition

If your life has been anything like mine has, you’ve been letting your intelligence run the show, and your imagination has taken a back seat. 

But as much as you may have left behind your imagination and focused on your intelligence, you may have also begun to see that your intelligence won’t get you much further. 

As Marshall Goldsmith once said: “What got you here won’t get you there.” 

Which leads me to the most important asset you might not realize you have: your intuition.

Your intuition is your deeper knowing. 

It’s more impressive and more powerful than your intelligence, and it’s even more creative and fascinating than your imagination.

Your intuition is, first and foremost, a feeling. It originates in your body as emotions that tell you something is right or wrong without you consciously understanding why you know it. 

I want to help you use your intuition to your advantage. To get really honest with yourself with where your life and work are heading—and why.

So, I’ll ask you this:

What if you could accomplish all of your goals and desires without the stress and anxiety of striving, hustling, or pushing?

What if your days could be filled with flow, ease, and peace while also accomplishing everything on your vision board?

I know, I know. After all those years of pushing and striving, can you even imagine a slower life where you’re in control of your time, money, and energy? 

It can sound a bit crazy, but I’ve never been one to create anything that wasn’t a little bit (ok, a lot) rebellious. 

Especially if I know it will help the driven business-minded humans like me who know they’re here to change the world.

The Intuitive Audit

A FREE Two-Part Workshop

What is The Intuitive Audit?

The Intuitive Audit is a guided experience that asks you to take a very honest look at your life and work to see what needs to stay, change, or go.

It isn’t a set of rules or “should”, it’s a way of looking at where you are now, where you want to be, and what needs to shift in order for you to manifest the life and work you want as quickly as possible.

This audit gives you a guideline to follow along with a set of tools to help you tap into your own intuition by looking at your goals and plans while also finding your own rhythm, feelings, and beliefs.

It will NOT tell you what to do, where to go, or what will or won’t work. You are in control of the audit; it only gives you a path to find your own honesty.

Have your cake and eat it, too

You’ve heard the phrase “you made your bed, now sleep in it.” It’s meant to be derogatory, yet it reminds me a lot of the “You can’t have your cake & eat it, too.” Of course I want to eat the cake.

I’m not just going to look at it. These American idioms tell us we need to be more reasonable with wanting two incompatible things. Yet I would love to challenge this way of thinking by asking you this question:

What if reasonable is irresponsible?

What if you could enjoy a life of ease and flow while also building a business or career around how you want to live your life?

I did this exact thing by quitting my own business and moving to Vero Beach, Florida—a place most people wait to live until they’re retired. 

I shifted from having a commute to being able to paddle board before work with my husband. 

I shifted from having to leave to go on vacation to living a life on vacation in a beach town most people have to take time off to visit. 

I shifted my work days to three days a week so I could have time for creativity and rest. 

I changed my business model so I could take care of my clients from a space of focused support. 

I gave up what I thought was reasonable because it was crushing my soul. 

I started focusing all my attention on helping others shift their lives and work because my intuition told me to. 

And goodness, my whole life stopped feeling so draining.

Look at your life, look at your choices

This may be your first time ever auditing your life, or you may do this once a week. Regardless of how often you clean out your life or work, The Intuitive Audit will help you replace old patterns with new ones.

We take these away:

And we replace them with:

Instead of hoping and praying things shift, let’s take action together. And not from a place of hustle or hard work, but ease and flow. Let’s create more space for peace and guided support rather than pushing and grinding.

Part One

Your Life

August 21, 2024

1:30 – 3PM ET / 10:30AM – 12PM PT

What we have planned:

On our first day, we’ll take a look at your life so you can become the person who does the work you’re here to do. 

In this 90-minute Zoom call, we’ll:

Part Two

Your Work

August 22, 2024

1:30 – 3PM ET / 10:30AM – 12PM PT

What we have planned:

On our second day, we’ll look at your work so you can integrate it into the life you desire for yourself.

In this 90-minute Zoom call, we’ll:

The Intuitive Audit

A Two-Part Workshop

Here’s what you can expect from The Intuitive Audit:

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"What if everything before today were no longer true?"

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Where do we go from here?

Once we’re done flowing with the three hours of The Intuitive Audit, Melanie will also give you a big picture overview of how you can go even deeper into your career and business goals with the Brilliant Rebels Academy. 

Melanie will share more about how she and her marketing strategist husband, Dan Russell, will help you build out a plan to shift the business you have already, the mid-life career change you’re in, or the big idea you’re finally ready to make a reality.

This will be a zero-pressure invitation that will give you the space to ask questions and get answers live.

Frequent Questions

Here are some questions I can answer right now

If you don’t see an answer here, you can always feel free to reach out to my team at [email protected]. We’ll get back in touch with you to help answer all of your questions.

The Intuitive Audit takes place over the course of two 90-minute calls on August 21 and 22. The total time commitment is 3 hours. There is also an optional Q&A after the second call which may add up to another sixty minutes to the call. 

The Intuitive Audit is designed to be for both. The philosophy behind this program is rooted in the belief that if you love what you do, you’ll never feel like you’re working. The real “work” is in building a life that lets you pursue your purpose with ease and flow.

I highly recommend that you do. The calls are held on Zoom, and there are interactive elements to the workshop. This means that your participation will play a role in how much you get out of the program. I invite you to play full-out and invest your time and attention into what we’ll be exploring together. It may just change your life!

Yes, we’ll be posting the replays of the workshop inside the One Moksha Network for a limited time, which you’ll receive an invitation to after registration.

90% of site Photography by Mary Gardella

Videography by Patchbay Media